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Saturday 22 June 2013

Giraffe with fluttery eyelashes...

Several thoughts spring to mind. Firstly has the lady from this year's Apprentice been entering Tropic Skin Care Friday Freebie competitions?  I'm sure I saw the reply "Horse" when asked to identify this beautiful creature.

I have long since suspected a flaw with Twitter competitions, it is so easy to piggyback on someone else's answer. Perhaps responding 'horse' was a genius plan to divert attention from the correct answer.  Indeed, the prize in question was a gorgeous Tropic Lash Extension Kit, so can't blame someone for the attempt.  My inner voice of flinkle*, did want to add to the mêlée of answers by retweeting "Okapi", "Camel" or "Tropic Zebra", so I could bamboozle the competition and swoop in at the last second with the correct answer.
*mischief making

My second thought concerned my adorable nephew, he does the cutest impersonation of a Giraffe with fluttery eyelashes (think 3 year old, hands raised to eyes, little fingers waving up and down enthusiastically).  Jumping from topic slightly (I am such a grasshopper), but still on the theme of cuteness, I saw this posted on Twitter today, perfect for a Tropic Bunny Blog:

My last thought was "why am I still blogging?", my 30 day Tropic Trial is up. ...step away from the keyboard!  The truth is, I am so enthusiastic about the products I want to share my experiences. I am also considering becoming a Tropic Ambassador (main flaw in this plan is my total lack of selling prowess. Nonetheless, I've signed up for one of the open invite Business Meetings this maybe, just maybe.  I have visions of a Tropic Tea Room..think vegan cupcakes and treats, herbal infusions, massage, chats about ingredients & the company ethos, and of course the chance to try out the fabulous products).

For the time being, here is everything you need to know about the Lash Extension Kit
"A revolutionary lash duo kit that creates instantly fuller, longer, show stopping lashes"

1) No animal was harmed to bring this fabulous kit into your life.

2) It is free from synthetic fragrances, harsh preservatives or parabens.  However, the product does clearly state that the Extension Fibres are NOT suitable for contact lens wearers or sensitive eyes.

3) It retails at £25.00, which does seem a lot for a mascara (or is it just ages since I have invested in makeup? And I do think this product is a good investment, so please read on).

4) The kit contains 2 products - Fixing Gel and Extension Fibres. 

To apply you follow a 3 step system: 

STEP 1: Apply a generous coat of the Fixing Gel to lashes, focusing on the tips.

STEP 2: Immediately apply Extension Fibres, which instantly attach to your own lashes.

STEP 3: Allow 20 seconds for Fibres to adhere to your lashes and apply another coat of the Fixing Gel to set your fibres in place.

Now, if like me you panic at the prospect on any instructions that contain more than 1 step, especially where make up is concerned (I am no Lisa Eldridge); fear not, it really is incredibly straightforward. 

5) The results are A-M-A-ZING!  Fluttery eyelashes that are as beautiful and natural as the Giraffe's.    The Fixing Gel contains panthanol, which is an active ingredient included to condition and nourish lashes, whilst encouraging growth (clever, clever Fixing Gel!)

Tropic Skin Care's Own Beautiful Susan Ma demonstrating the Extended Eyelash Effect - please note, do both sides or you may fall over due to eye lash imbalance ; )

6) Products now available via the Tropic Website or through one of the fantastic Tropic Ambassadors. I purchased mine on discount (offer posted by @CaronTROPIC, but loads of fantastic offers out there - I will try to repost as many as possible in the future).

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