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Thursday 6 June 2013

Day Twenty

Products used AM - Smoothing Cleanser
- Toner
- Skin Revive

- Lip Love
- Body Love
- Eye Refresh Roll On
Products used PM  Make it a luxury oil bath (please!)
My Skin:
How comfortable does it feel?
"As snug as a bug in a rug"...hmmmm not an image you particularly want in the beauty industry; you can see why I never pursued a career in marketing.  In fact last week, when describing the aroma of rhododendrons, I found myself merrily stating "It made my nostrils flare, in a good way, like a horse deep breathing"
P.S.  As I entered the ingredient for the day, I suddenly realised the condition of my toenails has indeed dramatically improved with daily use of Body Love (oh goodness, flaring nostrils and toenails #attractive)
Product ObservationsThe Body Butter has the kind of heady aroma which makes my nostrils flare like a horse...ok so Tropic put it with more eloquence:
"Infused with notes of Lemon Myrtle & Orange Blossom essential oils for an uplifting, bright & seductive scent."
Activities/MoodI have woken up thinking of cake, yet again mixing Fragipane with Fragipani (fortunately only in correspondence, not in terms of product choices).  This isn't quite as bad as the occasion I emailed my mum a picture of a Hornby train (requested for my nephew's birthday card). I not so wisely entitled the message "Hornby image", even less wisely missed out the "b", making it "Horny image". 
Note to self: Check and double check at work today! Contract due for extension and ending a missive "Retards" instead of "Regards" might sway the balance. 
Ingredient for the DayLime (used in the subLIME Body Love)
"A crisp & sharp scent that invigorates the senses. Helps combat dry/brittle nails."
Picture for the Day

Beautiful colours to brighten a day of data entry

Quote for the Day "The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug."
Mark Twain

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