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Monday 10 June 2013

Day Twenty-Three

Products used AM - Smoothing Cleanser
- Toner
- Skin Revive

- Lip Love
- Body Love
Products used PM - Toothpaste mainly!  I hasten to add not the beauty tip that you smother pimples in pepperminty freshness. No, just a long, long, long day of setting up test data ended up in bathroom cabinet mix up.  My brain is now addled and aching or maybe just awol (rudely not taking the rest of my body along for the trip).   If I can be trusted, I shall add a few drop of Luxury Body Oil to my pillow and let the lovely fragrance soothe my senses to sleep - cue for a disaster where my bed turns into an oil slick and my cat throws a strop for my disturbing her slumber.
My Skin:
How comfortable does it feel?
Remarkably good for such a stressful time (for years my medical notes were littered with occasions when my skin flared up and antibotics were dished out willy nilly). 
Product ObservationsBamboo hairbrush added to my Tropic Product wishlist.
Activities/MoodCreating test data, creating test data and then some more test data for good measure. 
Ingredient for the DayPeppermint (found in toothpaste, but much more pleasant when applied to the body via Body Smooth)
"A cool & refreshing scent with a pleasant tingling sensation. Promotes increased oxygenation of skin cells to reduce redness & uneven skin tone."
Picture for the Day

This comparison picture (posted on Grow Food Not Lawns Facebook page) made me really reflect on ingredients:

No worries with the Tropic range though...
"At Tropic, we believe that the natural world provides all the goodness our skin needs. Therefore we use only the most effective, premium plant extracts in all of our products. We source our ingredients from the whole plant - the flower, the seeds, the stem, the roots, the leaves and the fruit, to extract the wonderful vitamins and antioxidants nature has to offer.
All of our ingredients are free from chemicals, artificial perfumes and synthetic materials. We never use ingredients derived from animals and are strict in our Vegan ways. We maintain a close relationship with our suppliers and ensure that the ingredients used within our products are of the highest quality."
Quote for the Day"Man was made at the end of the week's work when God was tired."
Mark Twain

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