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Thursday 13 June 2013

Day Twenty-Six

Products used AM - Smoothing Cleanser
- Toner
- Skin Revive

- Eye Refresh Roll On
- Lip Love
- Body Love
Products used PM - Planning an indulgent pampering bath, with luxury oil, candles and Precious Bane (this is one of my comfort blanket books, which I would merrily read over and over; a rich tapistry of fabulous terms such as "ripstitch-rantipole" ) ..Oh no, I have test data to prep...*bath bubble bursts*
My Skin:
How comfortable does it feel?
I have a close friend who is blessed with picture perfect, naturally flawless skin.  If spotted* at a beauty counter she has the Harry Met Sally, "I'll have what she's having" effect.  Whilst, nobody would ever stop me to remark on my glowing complexion;  now versus then (then = the height of my overscrubbed, chemical laden product days; where antibitotics were the only answer) my skin is in pretty fantastic condition.  It is as soft as dew, more peaches and cream than rhubarb and custard.

* Further proof as to why I should never follow that marketing career. "Spotted" and "Beauty" are words that do not a happy cosmetic combination make!
Product ObservationsIn terms of Cadburys Cream Eggs, how do you eat yours? (not at all), Andrex Toilet paper are you a scruncher or a folder? (too much detail), but what about Smoothing Cleanser are you a Tropic tornado or a Tropic time taker ?  A tweet (by Kay Ball @KayBall4) "Cleanse Tone Moisturise should take no longer than cleaning your teeth!" made me reflect.  For me personally, the ritural of cleanse, tone, moisturise is precious time in the day to slow down and treat my skin with respect whilst rejoicing in the wonderful textures and aromas.  However, saying that, whilst I have been hard pushed for time in a particularly stressful week at work, I have become a quickie cleanser.  I love the fact that Tropic products work for both scenarios - your skin is totally pampered whichever route you choose.
Activities/MoodIf I were the Duracell Bunny, I would have finally come to a standstill. My poor neglected blog, please forgive me. 
I have been nurturing a corn plant (dracena fragrans) found abandoned in a dark corner of the office.   Careful removal of shrivelled leaves, regular water -not too much, not too little- and most importantly plenty of kind words, and it is rejoicing in a new lease of life (complete with super cute new shoot).  It is now so resplendent, its original "owners" tried to reclaim it....Step away from the plant, you don't want to see me when I get dracena rage!
Ingredient for the Day Candelilla wax (not to be confused with candle wax)
"Extracted from the desert shrub Candelilla, it helps to lock in skin moisture and to protect the skin"
Picture for the Day

An Allium with a Halo

Quote for the Day "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
Martin Luther King, Jr.

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