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Tuesday 4 June 2013

Day Seventeen

Products used AM- Smoothing Cleanser
- Toner
- Skin Revive

- Lip Love
- Body Love (and lots of it!)
Products used PMOrganic Luxury Oil bath night....just what the doctor ordered.
My Skin:
How comfortable does it feel?
 Well and truly on the road to recovery (ok still blemished, but problem areas are less "angry" and fewer and far between).
Product ObservationsI am so impressed with the skin care range, I am considering trying the new cosmetics range (launching mid any time now!).  I have a very chequered history with makeup: concerns that it will further aggrevate my spotty skin, coupled with an incredibly clumsy application technique - like a 2yr old with a crayon (well less style really). It is not much of a confidence boost stepping out thinking you look like Coco the Clown, so I tend to avoid wearing it most days.
I absolutely love this video by the wonderful Lisa Eldridge, which deals with make-up for Acne skins - I wonder if she would do a Tropic Skin Care video?
Acne/Blemish Covering Make-up Video
Activities/MoodReplacement juicer is on its way - a huge thank you to the gods of Juicers* who were smiling down upon me this afternoon...not a moment too soon!
*Saying this reminded me of an Eddie Izzard quote
 "And then the Romans came along with their gods that they had borrowed from the Greeks. They invaded Greece,conquered them and stole all their gods... and renamed them with Roman names, ‘cause the Roman gods before that were kind of crap, you know - Geoff, the god of biscuits, and Simon, the god of hairdos… "
Ingredient for the Day Green Tea (used in Smoothing Cleanser)
"Contains a cocktail of potent antioxidants called catechins which help fight damage caused by free radicals & UV. Powerful green tea polyphenols stimulates cell regeneration & boosts skin vitality."
Picture for the Day

To paraphrase Elvis Costello, I do so hope this year "is a good year for the roses". This is a particularly beautiful bloom from my garden last July.
Quote for the Day

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