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Thursday 27 June 2013

Exfoliating Mary Poppins Style....

I think my all time favourite Lord Sugar Apprentice one liner is "Mary Poppins I am not", although saying this his surname is connected:

"A Spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down
The medicine go down
The medicine go down
Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down
In a most delightful way

Sugar (the commodity) has an unfavourable reputation in the Beauty industry - think excess pounds, acne and wrinkles.  Sugar (the person) has an increasingly glowing reputation in the Beauty industry thanks to his partnerships with two 2011 Apprentice candidates, Tom Pellereau (aka Inventor Tom) and Susan Ma, founder of Tropic Skin Care.  Ever since the wonderful Series 5 episode 4 of the Apprentice, where candidates were tasked to produce and sell two bath products made from natural ingredients (if you haven't seen it, do check out this classic clip where Nick casually drops a you have just spent  over £700 on fragrances bombshell), I was aware of Lord Sugar's interest in the Beauty industry, but I couldn't quite picture how he would become involved (Eau de Amstrad and Tottenham Toner never sounded like top sellers!). 

Tropic Skin Care also brings sugar the commodity into a Beauty Hero light, thanks to a product that very much like Mary Poppins is "practically perfect in every way". I am referring to Face Smooth Polish, retailing at £15.00 per 100ml, available via the Tropic website and via Tropic Ambassadors.
Organic Rice Flour (oryza sativa flour), Sugar Cane (sucrose)Golden Jojoba Oil (simmondsia chinensis oil), Macadamia Oil (macadamia ternifolia oil), Sweet Almond Oil (prunus amygdalus oil), Natural Vitamin E (tocopherol), Acai Berry Oil (euterpe oleracea fruit oil), Camomile Essential Oil (chamomilla recutita flower oil), Lemon Essential Oil (citrus medica limonum oil), Sweet Orange Essential Oil (citrus aurantium amara oil), Peppermint Essential Oil (mentha piperita oil)

Made with 100% of ingredients from natural origin, using premium distilled essential oils.
Gently massage onto dry skin in circular and upward motions for 1 minute, focusing on areas around the nose, chin and forehead. Avoid the eye area. Rinse off with warm water and splash your face with cold water to close pores. Pat dry and follow with Tropic Skin Revive if needed. On sensitive skin, massage onto wet skin. Use twice a week.

Rich in natural alpha hydroxy acids that gently exfoliate & rejuvenate skin; sugar used topically (especially Tropically topically) helps promote a brighter complexion.  Several studies now show that sugar can heal wounds, in some cases where antibiotics fail - 

I was going to call this post "Take the rough with the smooth", as after a hard day this is such a wonderful treat to make you feel aaaaaaahhhhhhhh that's better, no matter what the day throws at you.  So what makes it so special?  Well to keep up the Mary Poppins theme, a lot of products make "piecrust promises.  Easily made, easily broken".  Not the case with Face Smooth, the product has been made with so much care and attention, it doesn't fail to live up to its promise:

"It works to cleanse, exfoliate, tone and moisturise all in one, to leave your skin feeling velvety, refreshed and simply radiant."

It is not like other scrubs. I repeat it is not like other scrubs!  It is incredibly gentle, leaving your skin feeling baby soft yet thoroughly cleansed. If like me your skin has a tendency to that just stepped out of chip pan look, fear not, yes it does include oil, but it leaves nothing more than beautiful moisturised, pampered skin (not an oil slick in sight).  
Perhaps the nicest part of the Face Smooth experience is the aroma: uplifting (peppermint), refreshing (orange & lemon) and reassuring (chamomile). This is a wonderful product to treat yourself, or a loved one. I strongly recommend you get out a wooden spatula* and give it a whirl.

* comes free with the product for easy mixing.

Saturday 22 June 2013

Giraffe with fluttery eyelashes...

Several thoughts spring to mind. Firstly has the lady from this year's Apprentice been entering Tropic Skin Care Friday Freebie competitions?  I'm sure I saw the reply "Horse" when asked to identify this beautiful creature.

I have long since suspected a flaw with Twitter competitions, it is so easy to piggyback on someone else's answer. Perhaps responding 'horse' was a genius plan to divert attention from the correct answer.  Indeed, the prize in question was a gorgeous Tropic Lash Extension Kit, so can't blame someone for the attempt.  My inner voice of flinkle*, did want to add to the mêlée of answers by retweeting "Okapi", "Camel" or "Tropic Zebra", so I could bamboozle the competition and swoop in at the last second with the correct answer.
*mischief making

My second thought concerned my adorable nephew, he does the cutest impersonation of a Giraffe with fluttery eyelashes (think 3 year old, hands raised to eyes, little fingers waving up and down enthusiastically).  Jumping from topic slightly (I am such a grasshopper), but still on the theme of cuteness, I saw this posted on Twitter today, perfect for a Tropic Bunny Blog:

My last thought was "why am I still blogging?", my 30 day Tropic Trial is up. ...step away from the keyboard!  The truth is, I am so enthusiastic about the products I want to share my experiences. I am also considering becoming a Tropic Ambassador (main flaw in this plan is my total lack of selling prowess. Nonetheless, I've signed up for one of the open invite Business Meetings this maybe, just maybe.  I have visions of a Tropic Tea Room..think vegan cupcakes and treats, herbal infusions, massage, chats about ingredients & the company ethos, and of course the chance to try out the fabulous products).

For the time being, here is everything you need to know about the Lash Extension Kit
"A revolutionary lash duo kit that creates instantly fuller, longer, show stopping lashes"

1) No animal was harmed to bring this fabulous kit into your life.

2) It is free from synthetic fragrances, harsh preservatives or parabens.  However, the product does clearly state that the Extension Fibres are NOT suitable for contact lens wearers or sensitive eyes.

3) It retails at £25.00, which does seem a lot for a mascara (or is it just ages since I have invested in makeup? And I do think this product is a good investment, so please read on).

4) The kit contains 2 products - Fixing Gel and Extension Fibres. 

To apply you follow a 3 step system: 

STEP 1: Apply a generous coat of the Fixing Gel to lashes, focusing on the tips.

STEP 2: Immediately apply Extension Fibres, which instantly attach to your own lashes.

STEP 3: Allow 20 seconds for Fibres to adhere to your lashes and apply another coat of the Fixing Gel to set your fibres in place.

Now, if like me you panic at the prospect on any instructions that contain more than 1 step, especially where make up is concerned (I am no Lisa Eldridge); fear not, it really is incredibly straightforward. 

5) The results are A-M-A-ZING!  Fluttery eyelashes that are as beautiful and natural as the Giraffe's.    The Fixing Gel contains panthanol, which is an active ingredient included to condition and nourish lashes, whilst encouraging growth (clever, clever Fixing Gel!)

Tropic Skin Care's Own Beautiful Susan Ma demonstrating the Extended Eyelash Effect - please note, do both sides or you may fall over due to eye lash imbalance ; )

6) Products now available via the Tropic Website or through one of the fantastic Tropic Ambassadors. I purchased mine on discount (offer posted by @CaronTROPIC, but loads of fantastic offers out there - I will try to repost as many as possible in the future).

Monday 17 June 2013

Day Thirty

Products used AM - Smoothing Cleanser
- Toner
- Skin Revive

- Lip Love
- Body Love
Products used PM - Smoothing Cleanser
- Toner
- Skin Revive
My Skin:
How comfortable does it feel?
At the end of my 30 day Tropic Trial, I would rate my skin at 7 out of 10.  It is by no means picture perfect, and I have a couple of recurring blemishes.  However, it feels extremely comfortable and most importantly I am treating it with love and respect..No, make that most importantly I am treating the natural world with love and respect; my use of the products is not to the detriment of any other creature.

I am sure that if I continue to use the products (which I will indeed do!) I will see further improvements.  I am excited about the contiuation of my Tropic journey.
Product ObservationsThe love, care and attention behind the forumlations shines through in each and every one of the products I have tried.  This is one of the very few brands I have encountered with the magic ingredient "bottled love".
Activities/MoodSome "cucumbers-to-be" have appeared in my vegetable garden (little things make me very happy, these are variety F1 cucumbers. I like to think this stands for Formula One and they are a quick growing!)

Genuinely sad that this is the last blog entry - hoping to write more about Tropic in the future.  A big thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read any of the entries.
Ingredient for the Day Cucumber (appearing in Toner, Eye Refresh Roll on and my vegetable patch)
The juice is often recommended as a source of silica to improve the complexion and health of the skin, plus cucumber’s high water content makes it naturally hydrating—a must for glowing skin.
Picture for the Day

Quote for the Day"Butterflies can't see their wings. They can't see how truly beautiful they are, but everyone else can. People are like that as well." -Unknown

This is for a lovely lady who said she was very brave to post a before make up shot (she just couldn't see how beautiful it was before any of the make-up).

Sunday 16 June 2013

Day Twenty-Nine

Products used AM - Smoothing Cleanser
- Toner
- Skin Revive

- Lip Love
- Body Love
Products used PM - Smoothing Cleanser
- Toner
- Facial Elixir

My Skin:
How comfortable does it feel?
Loving the skin I'm in.
Product ObservationsThe Tropic ABC routine costs approx 50p per day, a much better investment in your wellbeing than a bag of crisps, a cup of coffee or a bar of chocolate.  Note: the best investment in your wellbeing is completely free (see quote of the day).  Whilst on the subject of lovely freebies @TropicSkinCare have fabulous Friday giveaways. When they make 15,000 followers they have promised the prize will be extra special.
Activities/MoodSpending time in the garden made me reflect on another of my comfort blanket books - The Secret Garden.
Henna on my hair as I type, I had better finish this quickly or I will end up pillar box red (albeit a pillar box with the most attractive eyelashes - my extension kit has arrived ; )
Ingredient for the Day Rosehip (found in lushous Lip Love)
"Rich in vitamin A & unsaturated essential fatty acids which work together to assist skin cell rejuvenation and repair"
Picture for the Day

"The robin flew from his swinging spray of ivy on to the top of the wall and he opened his beak and sang a loud, lovely trill, merely to show off. Nothing in the world is quite as adorably lovely as a robin when he shows off - and they are nearly always doing it.” Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Secret Garden
Quote for the Day It made her think that it was curious how much nicer a person looked when he smiled. She had not thought of it before.” Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Secret Garden

Thursday 13 June 2013

Day Twenty-Seven

Products used AM - If I had a shower in Eye Refresh Roll On, I wonder if it would have the same revitalising effect ("De-Puffs, De-Crinkles & De-Shadows") across my whole body?  #overworked&exhausted
Products used PM Thankfully, I am away for the weekend, fortunate enough to be helping out at a Juice Academy run by Jason Vale (aka The Juice Master) In addition to a juice detox I need an "EDD" (electronic device detox).
Facial Elixir already packed for my evening treat; Body Smooth at the ready for weekend energy burst.
My Skin:
How comfortable does it feel?
My body feels like one glorious, balanced whole.  Using the body cream every day, with regular helpings of Body Smooth, really makes a difference.  Beauty marketing focuses so much on the face (let's "face" it, a super soft elbow gracing the front cover of Tatler is not going to sell that many copies!). 
Product ObservationsPlease Tropic Skin Care, bring out a Tropic Travel Companion.
Activities/MoodComing to the end of my thirty day Tropic Trial, which makes me feel sad, as I love jotting down random observations and photos.  Maybe I should start up another?  Suggestions on a postcard* to the usual addresss (@tropicbunny)

*Not that anyone really sends postcards these days, but the expression seems to stick.  This made me think about a fascinating article on the BBC website, concerning "skeuomorphis" (not the prettiest of words, or easiest to say.  Strangely reminiscent of a name that would be suitable for the latest "wonder" product... think L'Oreal, here comes the science bit!).
Ingredient for the DaySeak* Kelp (Used in Eye Refresh Roll On)....*I think my exhausted brain is saying "Seek Help", typos can be so revealing!!!
"Rich in skin nourishing nutrients such as Omega 3 & polyphenols, sea kelp draws out skin toxins & strengthens skin cell membrane. Promotes firmer, more radiant skin."
Picture for the Day

Lotus - Still Small Voice of Calm in an Ocean of chaos

Quote for the Day"Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable."
Sydney J. Harris

Day Twenty-Six

Products used AM - Smoothing Cleanser
- Toner
- Skin Revive

- Eye Refresh Roll On
- Lip Love
- Body Love
Products used PM - Planning an indulgent pampering bath, with luxury oil, candles and Precious Bane (this is one of my comfort blanket books, which I would merrily read over and over; a rich tapistry of fabulous terms such as "ripstitch-rantipole" ) ..Oh no, I have test data to prep...*bath bubble bursts*
My Skin:
How comfortable does it feel?
I have a close friend who is blessed with picture perfect, naturally flawless skin.  If spotted* at a beauty counter she has the Harry Met Sally, "I'll have what she's having" effect.  Whilst, nobody would ever stop me to remark on my glowing complexion;  now versus then (then = the height of my overscrubbed, chemical laden product days; where antibitotics were the only answer) my skin is in pretty fantastic condition.  It is as soft as dew, more peaches and cream than rhubarb and custard.

* Further proof as to why I should never follow that marketing career. "Spotted" and "Beauty" are words that do not a happy cosmetic combination make!
Product ObservationsIn terms of Cadburys Cream Eggs, how do you eat yours? (not at all), Andrex Toilet paper are you a scruncher or a folder? (too much detail), but what about Smoothing Cleanser are you a Tropic tornado or a Tropic time taker ?  A tweet (by Kay Ball @KayBall4) "Cleanse Tone Moisturise should take no longer than cleaning your teeth!" made me reflect.  For me personally, the ritural of cleanse, tone, moisturise is precious time in the day to slow down and treat my skin with respect whilst rejoicing in the wonderful textures and aromas.  However, saying that, whilst I have been hard pushed for time in a particularly stressful week at work, I have become a quickie cleanser.  I love the fact that Tropic products work for both scenarios - your skin is totally pampered whichever route you choose.
Activities/MoodIf I were the Duracell Bunny, I would have finally come to a standstill. My poor neglected blog, please forgive me. 
I have been nurturing a corn plant (dracena fragrans) found abandoned in a dark corner of the office.   Careful removal of shrivelled leaves, regular water -not too much, not too little- and most importantly plenty of kind words, and it is rejoicing in a new lease of life (complete with super cute new shoot).  It is now so resplendent, its original "owners" tried to reclaim it....Step away from the plant, you don't want to see me when I get dracena rage!
Ingredient for the Day Candelilla wax (not to be confused with candle wax)
"Extracted from the desert shrub Candelilla, it helps to lock in skin moisture and to protect the skin"
Picture for the Day

An Allium with a Halo

Quote for the Day "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Monday 10 June 2013

Day Twenty-Three

Products used AM - Smoothing Cleanser
- Toner
- Skin Revive

- Lip Love
- Body Love
Products used PM - Toothpaste mainly!  I hasten to add not the beauty tip that you smother pimples in pepperminty freshness. No, just a long, long, long day of setting up test data ended up in bathroom cabinet mix up.  My brain is now addled and aching or maybe just awol (rudely not taking the rest of my body along for the trip).   If I can be trusted, I shall add a few drop of Luxury Body Oil to my pillow and let the lovely fragrance soothe my senses to sleep - cue for a disaster where my bed turns into an oil slick and my cat throws a strop for my disturbing her slumber.
My Skin:
How comfortable does it feel?
Remarkably good for such a stressful time (for years my medical notes were littered with occasions when my skin flared up and antibotics were dished out willy nilly). 
Product ObservationsBamboo hairbrush added to my Tropic Product wishlist.
Activities/MoodCreating test data, creating test data and then some more test data for good measure. 
Ingredient for the DayPeppermint (found in toothpaste, but much more pleasant when applied to the body via Body Smooth)
"A cool & refreshing scent with a pleasant tingling sensation. Promotes increased oxygenation of skin cells to reduce redness & uneven skin tone."
Picture for the Day

This comparison picture (posted on Grow Food Not Lawns Facebook page) made me really reflect on ingredients:

No worries with the Tropic range though...
"At Tropic, we believe that the natural world provides all the goodness our skin needs. Therefore we use only the most effective, premium plant extracts in all of our products. We source our ingredients from the whole plant - the flower, the seeds, the stem, the roots, the leaves and the fruit, to extract the wonderful vitamins and antioxidants nature has to offer.
All of our ingredients are free from chemicals, artificial perfumes and synthetic materials. We never use ingredients derived from animals and are strict in our Vegan ways. We maintain a close relationship with our suppliers and ensure that the ingredients used within our products are of the highest quality."
Quote for the Day"Man was made at the end of the week's work when God was tired."
Mark Twain

Sunday 9 June 2013

Day Twenty-Two

Products used AM - Smoothing Cleanser
- Toner
- Skin Revive

- Lip Love
- Body Smooth
- Body Love
Products used PM - Smoothing Cleanser
- Toner
- Skin Revive
My Skin:
How comfortable does it feel?
Still very "hormonal" but feels so much more comfortable than yesterday.
Product ObservationsI had a body massage today, the therapist commented on my "extremely soft and bouncy skin" - thank you Body Smooth & Body!
Activities/MoodAcne leaves both physical and emotional scars. I  avoid mirrors like Superman avoids Kryptonite. However, if you have seen the film you will know, there is always a way to overcome your nemesis. My skin, although still a million miles from perfect, has improved so much with Tropic that I felt...hmmm "confident enough" is not quite the right expression ..rather so much less apprehensive that I made it into the hairdressers (and stayed long enough to get a trim). I was beginning to look like Chewbacca, so not a moment too soon!
Ingredient for the Day Cocoa Butter (great in Smoothing Cleanser, also great in raw chocolate cake)
"A rich butter made from pressing the roasted seeds of the cacoa tree. Cocoa butter is a rich source of antioxidants and collagen which helps to repair and protect dry skin." 
Picture for the Day

An apt photo following my trip to the hairdressers

Quote for the Day "For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: 'If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?' And whenever the answer has been 'No' for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something."
Steve Jobs

Friday 7 June 2013

Day Twenty-One

Products used AM - Smoothing Cleanser
- Toner
- Skin Revive

- Lip Love
- Body Love
Products used PM Tropic SOS massage required
My Skin:
How comfortable does it feel?
"PMT skin" is about the best description today.
Product ObservationsSo many wonderful pictures posted of the dramatic results from the Lash Extension Kit, I am going in to try!!  Will it make me look like a giant spider has landed on my eyelids? Strangely, this is an effect I have achieved when experimenting with mascara in the past. I very much look forward to finding out.   
"PMT blue" as opposed to the "Mean reds*" Watching Breakfast at Tiffanys would be a perfect way to regain some inner bounce; that and heading to the freezer to liberate my stash of raw chocolate cake.  Oh, my replacement juicer safely arrived yesterday afteroon, that is definitely another thing to make my soul sing.
*"Holly Golightly: You know those days when you get the mean reds? Paul Varjak: The mean reds, you mean like the blues?
Holly Golightly: No. The blues are because you're getting fat and maybe it's been raining too long, you're just sad that's all. The mean reds are horrible. Suddenly you're afraid and you don't know what you're afraid of. Do you ever get that feeling?
Paul Varjak: Sure.
Holly Golightly: Well, when I get it the only thing that does any good is to jump in a cab and go to Tiffany's. Calms me down right away. The quietness and the proud look of it; nothing very bad could happen to you there. If I could find a real-life place that'd make me feel like Tiffany's, then - then I'd buy some furniture and give the cat a name! " From Breakfast at Tiffanys
Ingredient for the Day Pomegranate Seed (used in Facial Elixir...why do I always want to spell this Pomegranite?")
"The oil improves skin elasticity and regenerates the skin by causing old skin cells called keratinocytes to be sloughed off more quickly. Additionally, its oils are anti-inflammatory, soothing and moisturizing and benefit dry and sunburned skin, eczema and psoriasis. "
Picture for the Day

I saw this picture via Twitter and it made smile in the midst of my blue mood, it was posted under the caption "There is hope for us all!"
A young George Clooney
Quote for the Day It's really a wonder that I haven't dropped all my ideals, because they seem so absurd and impossible to carry out. Yet I keep them, because in spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart.” Anne Frank, The Diary of a Young Girl

Thursday 6 June 2013

Day Twenty

Products used AM - Smoothing Cleanser
- Toner
- Skin Revive

- Lip Love
- Body Love
- Eye Refresh Roll On
Products used PM  Make it a luxury oil bath (please!)
My Skin:
How comfortable does it feel?
"As snug as a bug in a rug"...hmmmm not an image you particularly want in the beauty industry; you can see why I never pursued a career in marketing.  In fact last week, when describing the aroma of rhododendrons, I found myself merrily stating "It made my nostrils flare, in a good way, like a horse deep breathing"
P.S.  As I entered the ingredient for the day, I suddenly realised the condition of my toenails has indeed dramatically improved with daily use of Body Love (oh goodness, flaring nostrils and toenails #attractive)
Product ObservationsThe Body Butter has the kind of heady aroma which makes my nostrils flare like a horse...ok so Tropic put it with more eloquence:
"Infused with notes of Lemon Myrtle & Orange Blossom essential oils for an uplifting, bright & seductive scent."
Activities/MoodI have woken up thinking of cake, yet again mixing Fragipane with Fragipani (fortunately only in correspondence, not in terms of product choices).  This isn't quite as bad as the occasion I emailed my mum a picture of a Hornby train (requested for my nephew's birthday card). I not so wisely entitled the message "Hornby image", even less wisely missed out the "b", making it "Horny image". 
Note to self: Check and double check at work today! Contract due for extension and ending a missive "Retards" instead of "Regards" might sway the balance. 
Ingredient for the DayLime (used in the subLIME Body Love)
"A crisp & sharp scent that invigorates the senses. Helps combat dry/brittle nails."
Picture for the Day

Beautiful colours to brighten a day of data entry

Quote for the Day "The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug."
Mark Twain

Day Nineteen

Products used AM - Smoothing Cleanser
- Toner
- Skin Revive

- Lip Love
- Body Love
- Eye Refresh Roll On
Products used PM - Smoothing Cleanser
- Toner
- Skin Revive
My Skin:
How comfortable does it feel?
Glorious realization that as the old blemishes fade, no new ones are rising up to take their place ;) 
Product ObservationsThe eye roll on is like a James Bond secret weapon; super cool it would quickly dispatch all villains (in a film entitled "Panda Eyes"...oh I am so going to have the Tina Turner song in my head tomorrow.)  Currently a great money saving offer on the Tropic website, with this product as a bonus free gift - Tropic Skin Care Set
Activities/MoodI saw a lovely little illustration of how to germinate avocado stones -will give this a try:
Ingredient for the DayGreen Coffee (Shaken not stirred..used in Eye Refresh Roll-On)
"Powerful antioxidant, green coffee reduces pigmentation and effectively brightens and tightens the skin." 
Picture for the Day

Quote for the Day "A morning-glory at my window satisfies me more than the metaphysics of books." - Walt Whitman

Wednesday 5 June 2013

Day Eighteen

Products used AM- Smoothing Cleanser
- Toner
- Skin Revive

- Lip Love
- Body Love
Products used PMFacial Elixir massage methinks...
I have been searching for facial massage videos on Youtube. I have such a grasshooper mind that I ended up distracting myself, listening to Chris Issak's "Wicked Game" in a delightful stroll down music memory lane.
My Skin:
How comfortable does it feel?
I hadn't realised how "thirsty" my skin was, in only a short period of Elixir use, it has a whole new lease of life.
Product Observations One reviewer on Youtube likened the Facial Elixir bottle to a genie's lamp, granting all your skin care wishes (Facial Oil Mini Review) My first wish? A whole series of Tropic Skin Care Videos on their website (oh ok, maybe a lifetime's supply of free products ; )
Activities/MoodLooking forward to watching the Apprentice with some Chocolate Raspberry "Ice Cream" recipe from Kriss Carr, author of the Crazy Sexy Diet which is one of my favourites.
Ingredient for the DayRaspberries (used in Skin Revive)
"Contains a house of strong antioxidants such as Vitamin C, Quercetin & Gallic acid to brighten & boost skin vitality."
Picture for the Day

Quote for the Day

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Day Seventeen

Products used AM- Smoothing Cleanser
- Toner
- Skin Revive

- Lip Love
- Body Love (and lots of it!)
Products used PMOrganic Luxury Oil bath night....just what the doctor ordered.
My Skin:
How comfortable does it feel?
 Well and truly on the road to recovery (ok still blemished, but problem areas are less "angry" and fewer and far between).
Product ObservationsI am so impressed with the skin care range, I am considering trying the new cosmetics range (launching mid any time now!).  I have a very chequered history with makeup: concerns that it will further aggrevate my spotty skin, coupled with an incredibly clumsy application technique - like a 2yr old with a crayon (well less style really). It is not much of a confidence boost stepping out thinking you look like Coco the Clown, so I tend to avoid wearing it most days.
I absolutely love this video by the wonderful Lisa Eldridge, which deals with make-up for Acne skins - I wonder if she would do a Tropic Skin Care video?
Acne/Blemish Covering Make-up Video
Activities/MoodReplacement juicer is on its way - a huge thank you to the gods of Juicers* who were smiling down upon me this afternoon...not a moment too soon!
*Saying this reminded me of an Eddie Izzard quote
 "And then the Romans came along with their gods that they had borrowed from the Greeks. They invaded Greece,conquered them and stole all their gods... and renamed them with Roman names, ‘cause the Roman gods before that were kind of crap, you know - Geoff, the god of biscuits, and Simon, the god of hairdos… "
Ingredient for the Day Green Tea (used in Smoothing Cleanser)
"Contains a cocktail of potent antioxidants called catechins which help fight damage caused by free radicals & UV. Powerful green tea polyphenols stimulates cell regeneration & boosts skin vitality."
Picture for the Day

To paraphrase Elvis Costello, I do so hope this year "is a good year for the roses". This is a particularly beautiful bloom from my garden last July.
Quote for the Day

Monday 3 June 2013

Day Sixteen

Products used AM- Smoothing Cleanser
- Toner
- Skin Revive

- Lip Love
- Body Love
Products used PM- Smoothing Cleanser
- Toner
- Facial Elixir (oh yes, I'm loving this)

My Skin:
How comfortable does it feel?
Heavenly soft and silky smooth. I have tried all manner of products in my time (Sarah Chapman Overnight Facial, Aromatherapy Revitalizing Facial Oil, a sample of Chantecaille Nano Gold Firming Treatment - costing an eye watering £280 for the full sized product!!) the Facial Elixir is THE BEST by a golden (jojoba) mile.  Not a trace of nut oil, making it suitable for even the most reactive, sensitive of skins.  
My one criticism is that putting the top back on the bottle with oily fingers wasn't the easiest thing in the world, but I will overlook this as  a) what sort of foolish person tries to put it back on with oily fingers b) it is such a beautiful looking bottle design c) it is an A-MAZ-ING product (did I mention I liked it?)
Product Observations

This award says it all!

Activities/MoodNote to self: Stop amending the lyrics to well know songs with a Tropic twist, or at least cease singing said lyric revisions whilst in the office:
Gloria Gaynor: "I will Revive"
Robert Palmer: "Gonna have to face it I'm addicted to Love (Butter)"
Wham:"Club Tropic Skin Care it's a Cream"
Ingredient for the Day Organic Moringa Oil (used in Facial Elixir)
"Among the most desired oils in the formulation of skin care products and cosmetics, chosen for its many antioxidants and documented skin-rejuvenating properties. Moringa oil penetrates deeply into the skin, delivering vital nutrients, aiding in skin rejuvenation, wrinkle reduction and blemish removal."
Pictures for the Day
Ok, so I am now getting carried away with photos, but this is a celebration of beautiful bees (in the words of Albert Einstein  "If the bee disappeared off the face of the earth, man would only have four years left to live.") 
Foxglove picture taken in my garden today, the others are from last year's photo collection:

Quote for the Day

Sunday 2 June 2013

Day Fifteen

Products used AM- Smoothing Cleanser
- Toner
- Skin Revive

- Lip Love
- Body Love
Products used PM - Smoothing Cleanser
- Toner
- Planning to use the Facial Elixir tonight*

*I have tip from Susan herself , she kindly replied to one of my  many tweets "Absolutely loving your blogs Tropic Bunny! For the Elixir -focus on delicate dry areas - under eyes & neck!"
My Skin:
How comfortable does it feel?
My legs feel silky smooth, even after shaving (they normally protest with angry red, bobbly dry patches)
Product ObservationsI should have ordered the larger size jar of Body Love Butter!  No wonder it took so many experiments to come up with this formula, it is a million in one magic combination.
Activities/MoodThe mystery of Day 11:
In a display of bintyness I have deleted a post, wiping a day from my on earth did that happen? More likely than not the pesky delete button.  This made me feel very blue. However, so as not to undermine the colour, refer to my photos for the day. I was particularly delighted when the small blue butterfly flitted into my garden this afternoon.
Ingredient for the DayBlueberries (used in magical Skin Revive)
"A powerful mini superfruit, loaded with Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Anthocyanin, Zinc, Iron & Manganese. Puts you one step towards skin perfection"
Pictures for the Day

All things bright, beautiful and blue...
Quote for the Day

Saturday 1 June 2013

Day Fourteen

Products used AM- Smoothing Cleanser
- Toner
- Skin Revive

- Lip Love
- Body Love
Products used PM - Smoothing Cleanser
- Toner
- Skin Revive
My Skin:
How comfortable does it feel?
Face still baby soft after last night's Face Smooth Polish treat.  Body still baby soft from the combination of Body Smooth and Body Love Butter.
Product ObservationsThe Bamboo cloth is so incredibly lovely, I have added a third definition to the verb "Bamboozle"
1) Fool or cheat
2) Confuse or perplex
3) To have a mind overrun with bamboo related product ideas*

*  Spa slippers & gown
*  Towels
*  Pyjamas
*  Hairbands
Activities/MoodApproaching the mid way point on my 30 Day Tropic trial (mind still bamboozled) I returned to Kew to check on the progress of the little shoots pictured on Day 1.
They are thriving:

On route to the bamboo I stumbled across the most magically beautiful collection of Rhododendrons - reds, pinks, yellows, golds, whites, purples, oranges - an explosion of the most exquisite colours.   Their scent filled the air, a heady, exotic mix that filled every cell in my being with joy.

Ingredient for the DayGreen Tea (used in Smoothing Cleanser)
"Contains a cocktail of potent antioxidants called catechins which help fight damage caused by free radicals & UV. Powerful green tea polyphenols stimulates cell regeneration & boosts skin vitality.
Picture for the Day

 Magic of the Rhododendrons: I loved the energy of this flower about to burst into bloom
Quote for the Day