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Tuesday 28 May 2013

Day Ten

Products used AM- Smoothing Cleanser
- Toner
- Skin Revive

- Lip Love
- Body Love
Products used PM - Smoothing Cleanser
- Toner
- Skin Revive
My Skin:
How comfortable does it feel?
After my Body Smooth extravaganza last night, my body feels silky soft.  
Product ObservationsScrubs normally leave me itchy, and ironically rather dry; but this product, again like Goldilock's Porridge, is just right. In fact it is knocking on the door of divine. Effective, yet extremely gentle, and despite the need for a wooden spatula*, very easy to use.
* Many moons ago I tried a simlar style of scrub. Well I say similar, it wasn't at all nice, so not really similar at all. Unlike the Body Smooth, it was like mixing cement. Eventually, I got so annoyed I gave it a bit too much welly. The oil and grains parted company - oil all over the bathroom tiles, grains resolutely remaining at the bottom of the jar (pulling nasty that is your fault, can't use me now, just wasted your money, ha ha ha faces). Thankfully, this wasn't a problem with the Body Smooth.  However, I do have one criticism. I had a bittle** to get it open; eventually resorting to scissors in Psycho stabbing fashion.  A lip on the film covering would make it much easier to peel off.

**Bittle is a new word I have just created (nothing to do with hand/keyboard malfunction). Definition: "A bit of a battle."

Note: re-reading this I sound a bit violent with my body scrub - Zen photo of the day is required.
Activities/MoodHere comes the rain again...I feel responsible for this change in weather...prattling on about spritzing Toner to refresh in the hot weather (pah!)

Paradoxically, whenever the week at work is shorter due to a bank holiday, it seems longer - a never ending expanse of that Monday feeling.  Please someone tell me it is Friday tomorrow!
Ingredient for the DayVitamin E (Used in Lip Love, amongst many other Tropic Products)
"A powerful antioxidant that helps to protect skin cell membrane from free radicals & oxidation. Essential in maintaining youthful, nourished & healthy skin."

Yet another ingredient that is vital for beauty inside and out, almonds are an excellent source of Vitamin E

Picture for the Day

Quote for the Day

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