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Saturday 25 May 2013

Day Six

Products used AM- Smoothing Cleanser
- Toner
- Skin Revive

- Lip Love
- Body Love
Products used PM- Smoothing Cleanser
- Toner
- Skin Revive
My Skin:
How comfortable does it feel?
Since the great Phillips explosion of Monday 20th, I have been left juiceless. My skin is reacting badly without its daily quota of enzyme rich green goodness. 
I am impressed at just how well the products are holding their own, or more correctly working in partnership with my skin. Ok, it is still a Tipperary distance from perfect, but it feels comfortable; a blessing that is literally preventing me from picking at scabs! 
Product ObservationsI have found a flaw in the range, the Face Smooth might be a bit too addictive!  That perfectly polished, soft afterglow, made me think I would use it not one, by two days running! I am happy to report that sanity prevailed; my skin is so easily damaged. For me, this is my "Sacred" product; like the superfoods of the Incas, a little to be used with great respect and in moderation.  Fortunately, using the Soothing Cleanser is just as pleasant an experience and it is so gentle, it can be used every day.  The Toner is also absolutely amazing at calming and caring for what I generously term "reactionary" skin.
Activities/MoodI have just caught up on the "Farm Shop" episode of this year's Apprentice.  Oh dear, poor Tropic Bunny is concerned that one of the candidates would mistake her for a horse, no a dog - basic animal recognition didn't seem her forte. Whilst another held up a bunch of carrots and asked "What are these?" 
I also watched "The Apprentice You're Fired" and was delighted to see some extra footage of Jason's Sale technique ("Honestly, Jason can't be out here"..has me rolling around in laughter).
Note: I would love to be a Tropic Ambassador but selling is not my strength. I fear I would want to give everything away for free, the idea of a Tropic Bag "Make you and the Cleanser happy, take it away today" makes me smile.
Ingredient for the DayCarrot Oil - used in Lip Love
"A naturally rich source of Vitamin A which stimulates skin renewal and boosts skin vitality. Its natural pigments gives our Lip Love balm a lovely golden colour"
Picture for the Day

Not one of my own pictures this time, posted by @TropicSkinCare
Quote for the Day

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