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Friday 31 May 2013

Day Thirteen

Products used AM- Smoothing Cleanser
- Toner
- Skin Revive

- Lip Love
- Body Love
Products used PM Planning to use the fabulous Face Smooth Polish this evening (that Friday feeling is upon me).
My Skin:
How comfortable does it feel?
Looking less like Mr Blobby every day...which can only be a good thing.
Product ObservationsThe Smoothing Cleanser is excellent value for money as it lasts such a long time. Ok, so I am only on day 13, but take it from me, people with a destructive, albeit well meaning, tendency to overwash can work their way through products at an alarming rate! Had this been an inferior product, by now I would have switched to something else*, or used gallons instead of pumps.
* The thought of switching to something else is not a pleasant one.
Activities/MoodPoor grass snakes, they get rather a hard deal. Calling someone a "snake in the grass" is never viewed as a positive thing; but that is exactly what a grass snack is (did I just type "snack"?  I mean snake. My mind is distracted, partly by thoughts of a little something - as Pooh would say- partly due to the next part of this narrative)...minding their own business, getting on with their lives, meaning no harm. The last thing they need is a cat to come and play a new game entitled "smack the snack" (here I do mean snack as I'm sure this was with a view to a kill). My cat is in disgrace (snake smacked but not stirred, he will live to see another day).
Ingredient for the DayRose Water (used in Toner) - reminds me of Turkish delight, sunny days, softness of petals and all that is good with the world.
Picture for the Day

Photographing roses is my favourite thing of all....
Quote for the Day

Thursday 30 May 2013

Day Twelve

Products used AM- Smoothing Cleanser
- Toner
- Skin Revive

- Lip Love
- Body Love
Products used PM - Smoothing Cleanser
- Toner
- Skin Revive
My Skin:
How comfortable does it feel?
5.25 out of 10 (slow, but steady improvement).
I am going to introduce the Facial Elixir into my routine next week.
Karren Brady is a fan "For those of you that have asked, for the Baftas I used Organic Elixir Oil I can't tell you how amazing it made my skin look"
Product ObservationsAt the risk of sounding like Veruca Salt, I want a bamboo pillow case! The cloth is so incredibly soft, I am sure sweet dreams are made of this.  Whilst I am quoting lyrics...
You know you're gonna have to face it, you're addicted to Love (Butter) 
Maybe it is the uplifting aroma, or maybe the gloriously smooth texture, or maybe the way it makes me feel moisturised without a greasy residue or maybe because it is so soothing to the senses...a lot of beautiful maybes within one little jar.
Activities/MoodAnother Tropic makeover photo posted online today. My initial thought was that the girl already looked stunningly pretty in the before picture, my second thought was to wonder how exactly the makeup had changed the colour and curliness of her hair: I was looking at two "after" pictures (of different people). I am the definition of "doofus" at times! 
I'm wondering if quitting work to become a wildlife photographer and glob* writer is a viable career path. Alas not, *I can't even type without "naking tols of nistakes" But I'm hoping that somehow, just maybe...(keeps quote of the day in mind).
Ingredient for the DayLemon Myrtle (delicious scent in Body Love Cream)
"A refreshingly bright, citrus scent, with antibacterial properties to deeply cleanse & purify the skin for instant skin radiance"
Picture for the Day

Quote for the Day

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Day Ten

Products used AM- Smoothing Cleanser
- Toner
- Skin Revive

- Lip Love
- Body Love
Products used PM - Smoothing Cleanser
- Toner
- Skin Revive
My Skin:
How comfortable does it feel?
After my Body Smooth extravaganza last night, my body feels silky soft.  
Product ObservationsScrubs normally leave me itchy, and ironically rather dry; but this product, again like Goldilock's Porridge, is just right. In fact it is knocking on the door of divine. Effective, yet extremely gentle, and despite the need for a wooden spatula*, very easy to use.
* Many moons ago I tried a simlar style of scrub. Well I say similar, it wasn't at all nice, so not really similar at all. Unlike the Body Smooth, it was like mixing cement. Eventually, I got so annoyed I gave it a bit too much welly. The oil and grains parted company - oil all over the bathroom tiles, grains resolutely remaining at the bottom of the jar (pulling nasty that is your fault, can't use me now, just wasted your money, ha ha ha faces). Thankfully, this wasn't a problem with the Body Smooth.  However, I do have one criticism. I had a bittle** to get it open; eventually resorting to scissors in Psycho stabbing fashion.  A lip on the film covering would make it much easier to peel off.

**Bittle is a new word I have just created (nothing to do with hand/keyboard malfunction). Definition: "A bit of a battle."

Note: re-reading this I sound a bit violent with my body scrub - Zen photo of the day is required.
Activities/MoodHere comes the rain again...I feel responsible for this change in weather...prattling on about spritzing Toner to refresh in the hot weather (pah!)

Paradoxically, whenever the week at work is shorter due to a bank holiday, it seems longer - a never ending expanse of that Monday feeling.  Please someone tell me it is Friday tomorrow!
Ingredient for the DayVitamin E (Used in Lip Love, amongst many other Tropic Products)
"A powerful antioxidant that helps to protect skin cell membrane from free radicals & oxidation. Essential in maintaining youthful, nourished & healthy skin."

Yet another ingredient that is vital for beauty inside and out, almonds are an excellent source of Vitamin E

Picture for the Day

Quote for the Day

Monday 27 May 2013

Day Nine

Products used AM- Smoothing Cleanser
- Toner
- Skin Revive

- Lip Love
- Body Love
Products used PMLooking forward to some "Me time" this evening, with Body Smooth and a Luxury Body Oil bath.
My Skin:
How comfortable does it feel?
Love grows stronger every day...I can understand why the products have such passionate followers.
Product ObservationsThe only breakout I get with the Soothing Cleanser is a broad smile (the mere smell of the product makes me happy)
Activities/MoodThe sun still has his hat lucky are we for a bank Holiday?
New series of Pointless starts today...happy days!
Ingredient for the DayCoconut Oil (used in ...take a deep breath, it is an important ingredient in terms of Tropic Skin Care....Luxury Oils, Body Love Butter, Skin Revive, Facial Elixir, Body Smooth, Face Smooth, Lip Love).
"Anti-bacterial and anti-microbial, so it is perfect for protecting and enhancing the skin’s natural flora. Rich in moisturizing fatty acids, this oil can be used on the skin, cuticles and hair."
Like Avocado, Coconut Oil is one beauty wonder that can be used inside and out - it was an ingredient in the raw chocolate cake (see photo of the day), I can't get enough of it!
Picture for the Day

 My first attempt at Raw chocolate crunch cake, a variation on a delicious recipe from Caramelia cakery
Quote for the Day

Sunday 26 May 2013

Day Eight

Products used AM- Smoothing Cleanser
- Toner
- Skin Revive

- Lip Love
- Body Love
Products used PM- Smoothing Cleanser
- Toner
- Skin Revive
My Skin:
How comfortable does it feel?
My skin now feels a 4.5 out of 10 (big improvement from my 2 starting point...and only 8 days in).
Product Observations Toner doubles up as a very calming, refreshing and cooling hot weather mist. Mental note to reorder in volume so that I can carry one with me at all times - cue the return of 50 shades of grey as I fear my enthusiasm may put a jinx on the sunshine.
Activities/MoodSunshine I'm only, hang on it was actually a gloriously golden day.  Talked to my 3 year old nephew on the phone, his laughter is sunshine for the soul - double blessed with warmth today.
Ingredient for the DayAvocado (key ingredient in Soothing Cleanser)
"The avocado fruit yields a rich and deeply penetrating oil that is rich in sterolins and potassium which help to reduce skin pigmentation and accelerate skin regeneration."

Also a key ingredient in this CLEAR SKIN SMOOTHIE (recipe from the Funky Fresh Juice Book)

You will need... Method...
* Pineapple: 3CM SLICE
*Fresh Ginger Root: 2CM CHUNK
*Avocado:ONE HALF (RIPE)
*Mixed seeds: ONE TABLESPOON
*Lecithin granules:ONE HEAPED TEASPOON (check they are suitable for Vegans)
Juice the apples, pineapple, ginger, lemon and cucumber

Put the avocado, seeds, lecithin granules and oil into a blender. Add the juice, and a little ice, and blend until smooth.
Picture for the Day

My beautiful rescue cat, enjoying the sunshine on a broomstick bed..  
Quote for the Day

Day Seven

Products used AM- Smoothing Cleanser
- Toner
- Skin Revive

- Lip Love
- Body Love
Products used PM- Smoothing Cleanser
- Toner
- Skin Revive
My Skin:
How comfortable does it feel?
 It is a good sign when I stop obsessing about my face to encompass my whole body within my skin care routine. My legs need some serious care and attention (although the Body Love has worked wonders on the souls of my feet); the perfect excuse to crack open a jar of Body Smooth over the next few days.
Product ObservationsAt the Hatfield product launch, Lord Sugar was questioned as to his favourite product.  Whilst playing the "I am a man" card, "what interest could these possibly have to me beyond financial gain?" (*coughs Refresh Roll On* the product whose addition to the range was instigated by Lord Sugar himself), he did express intrigue over the new Body Oils, which are solid at room temperature.  I have a brand new bottle of Fraginpani Luxury oil to try alongside the Body Smooth. I have to admit the word "Fragipani" immediately conjures visions of the sugary, creamy almond paste that is often layered under fruit in tarts...oh no, that is Fragipane! This  made me think to ask Ruby Tuesdays (do check out the link!) if they could create a vegan Fraginpani cake. I was lucky enough to go to their stall recently with a dear friend; they are lip smackingly delicious cakes...mmmmm. I digress.
Activities/MoodPottering* about the garden, accompanied by my mischievous cat.
Ok, slightly greedy, with not one, but two quotes today. Monty Don expresses my feelings on gardening with such eloquent simplicity:
"'Earth heals me better than any medicine".

* Clue to the source of inspiration for the quote of the day
Ingredient for the DayWhite Fragipani
"The intoxicating aroma of frangipani, known as the 'Flower of the Gods', will relax and soothe the mind whilst restoring equilibrium and serenity."
Picture for the Day

Exactly two years since my beloved Dad died. I planted this yesterday with love and gratitude that his light never fades in my heart. 
Much like Fragipani, Lilac has the most gorgeous, heady, uplifting aroma.
Quote for the Day

Saturday 25 May 2013

Day Six

Products used AM- Smoothing Cleanser
- Toner
- Skin Revive

- Lip Love
- Body Love
Products used PM- Smoothing Cleanser
- Toner
- Skin Revive
My Skin:
How comfortable does it feel?
Since the great Phillips explosion of Monday 20th, I have been left juiceless. My skin is reacting badly without its daily quota of enzyme rich green goodness. 
I am impressed at just how well the products are holding their own, or more correctly working in partnership with my skin. Ok, it is still a Tipperary distance from perfect, but it feels comfortable; a blessing that is literally preventing me from picking at scabs! 
Product ObservationsI have found a flaw in the range, the Face Smooth might be a bit too addictive!  That perfectly polished, soft afterglow, made me think I would use it not one, by two days running! I am happy to report that sanity prevailed; my skin is so easily damaged. For me, this is my "Sacred" product; like the superfoods of the Incas, a little to be used with great respect and in moderation.  Fortunately, using the Soothing Cleanser is just as pleasant an experience and it is so gentle, it can be used every day.  The Toner is also absolutely amazing at calming and caring for what I generously term "reactionary" skin.
Activities/MoodI have just caught up on the "Farm Shop" episode of this year's Apprentice.  Oh dear, poor Tropic Bunny is concerned that one of the candidates would mistake her for a horse, no a dog - basic animal recognition didn't seem her forte. Whilst another held up a bunch of carrots and asked "What are these?" 
I also watched "The Apprentice You're Fired" and was delighted to see some extra footage of Jason's Sale technique ("Honestly, Jason can't be out here"..has me rolling around in laughter).
Note: I would love to be a Tropic Ambassador but selling is not my strength. I fear I would want to give everything away for free, the idea of a Tropic Bag "Make you and the Cleanser happy, take it away today" makes me smile.
Ingredient for the DayCarrot Oil - used in Lip Love
"A naturally rich source of Vitamin A which stimulates skin renewal and boosts skin vitality. Its natural pigments gives our Lip Love balm a lovely golden colour"
Picture for the Day

Not one of my own pictures this time, posted by @TropicSkinCare
Quote for the Day

Thursday 23 May 2013

Day Five

Products used AM- Smoothing Cleanser
- Toner
- Skin Revive

- Lip Love
- Body Love
Products used PM- Drum roll.... Face Smooth Polish.. I repeat Face Smooth Polish.  Followed by a spritz of Toner.
My Skin:
How comfortable does it feel?
Like a peach (ok, a slightly blemished peach, but a peach nonetheless). As someone who has inflicted a lot of damage with harsh exfoliants, I can honestly say the Facial Smooth is a very gentle and can be trusted in even in my meddlesome mitts!
Product ObservationsI was reminded of the following quote by Audrey Hepburn
"Make-up can only make you look pretty on the outside but it doesn't help if your ugly on the inside. Unless you eat the make-up."
Believe me, you could do a lot worse than eating Tropic Skin Care products - the Facial Smooth is delicious (I hasten to add I didn't sit down to a large serving, just licked my lips mid exfoliation you do..)
Activities/MoodCheeky mood, consider forwarding this to Apprentice candidate #Dracula Mills
Ingredient for the DayAloe
Sometimes mistaken for a cactus (I think I could manage that today as well), it is actually more closely related to lillies and asparagus. It does love the dry and the heat however.
One of the key ingredients in the glorious Tropic Toner:
"A rejuvenating, hydrating, firming wonder plant. It contains almost 20 amino acids, minerals, enzymes, vitamins, polysaccharides, nitrogen & other components that make it a miracle beauty plant."
Picture for the Day

Quote for the Day"You ask me what were the secret forces which sustained me during my long fasts. Well, it was my unshakeable faith in God, my simple and frugal lifestyle and the Aloe, whose benefits I discovered upon my arrival in South Africa at the end of the nineteenth century."

Mahatma Ghandi (1869-1948)

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Day Four

Products used AM- Smoothing Cleanser
- Toner
- Skin Revive

- Lip Love
- Body Love
Products used PM- Smoothing Cleanser
- Toner
- Skin Revive
My Skin:
How comfortable does it feel?
My skin is definitely making friends with the products: a loving, healing relationship which extends to every part of my body.
Product ObservationsI am made up to have found such an excellent lip balm that does not contain beeswax - Lip Love.  Normally, when I switch to a new brand of anything lip related, I break out in unsightly coldsores (saying this can a coldsore ever be attractive?) Well, ha, take that herpes simplex, not this time! Just lucious, soft lips*

* the brownie did rather ruin the image though - see below.
Activities/MoodRaw chocolate brownie on face, bad hair type of day - the human equivalent of the picture of the day!
Ingredient for the DayMacademia Nut (used in Body Love Butter Cream)
"Silky in texture & highly nourishing, this oil is rich in Palmitoleic acids which are essential in strengthening the skin cell membrane & improving skin elasticity."
Picture for the Day

Quote for the DayIf you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”  AA Milne (Winnie-The-Pooh)

Day Three

Products used AM- Smoothing Cleanser
- Toner
- Skin Revive

- Lip Love
- Body Love
Products used PM- Smoothing Cleanser
- Toner
- Skin Revive
My Skin:
How comfortable does it feel?
Feels like I made a small (I have hobbit feet!) but sure step on the road to recovery. 
Product Observations Gratitude is a very important part of my morning routine, there are so many good things in life and it is all too easy to overlook them. The facial massage is a good time to slow down and reflect.
Activities/MoodAs Van Morrisson sang, there will be "Days like this" (except his was along the lines of "parts of the puzzle start to feel like they fit", not general chaos and confusion).
Ingredient for the DayRose Geranium - used in the beautiful Skin Revive.
"A wonderfully bright, uplifting floral scent. Helps to balance the skin's secretion of sebum."

Picture for the Day

Quote for the Day"May my soul bloom in love for all existence" Rudolph Steiner

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Day Two

Products used AM - Smoothing Cleanser
- Toner
- Skin Revive

- Lip Love
- Body Love
Products used PM - Smoothing Cleanser
- Toner
- Skin Revive
My Skin:
How comfortable does it feel?
I would be lying if I said that my skin was magically now glowing with 10 out of 10 radiance. It still feels very uncomfortable and I need mittens for my wandering fingers! However, I haven’t had any adverse reactions to any of the products, which for my skin in itself if a wonderful sign.
Product ObservationsI am impressed with the pump dispenser design - I have a feeling it will get every last drop of cleanser from the bottle.
The Skin Revive sinks so beautifully into my skin and doesn’t leave any heavy residue.
Activities/MoodThe name of the 2013 plant of the year instantly made me think of the Bamboo cloth: it is called Mahonia eurybracteata subsp. gampinensis ‘Soft Caress’
Ingredient for the Day Golden Jojoba (used in the Soothing Cleanser)
The most similar in composition to the skin's own oils, this luxuriously soft, liquid wax cleans clogged pores & restores skin's natural pH balance.”
Picture for the Day

Quote for the Day "The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mode but the true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul” – Audrey Hepburn

Day One

Products used AM - Smoothing Cleanser
- Toner
- Skin Revive

- Lip Love
- Body Love
Products used PM - Smoothing Cleanser
- Toner
- Skin Revive

I decided to start with the key products before introducing more elements to my routine ( my skin is still far too angry to take kindly to any exfoliants, no matter how gentle!)
Product Observations The texture of the Smoothing Cleanser is like Goldilock's breakfast - "Just Right!" (not actually like porridge!).
I had feared that it would be very similar to Liz Earle's Hot Cleanse & Polish, a product that I have used in the past, which alas left my skin rather claggy.
I need not have worried, well at least my initial impression is that the Smoothing Cleanser will live up to its favourable reviews, it felt like my skin had been kissed by a thousand bamboo angels- AMAZING!
"Our 100% Organic Bamboo Fibre Face cloth adds an extra touch of luxury to our Tropic A. B. C. Skin Care regime. Made with supersoft Organic Bamboo fibre, our face cloth gently buffs away dead skin cells and dirt to leave your skin feeling smooth and polished.
Much softer and thicker than traditional muslin face cloths, our Organic Bamboo Fibre Face Cloth is able to retain hot water heat for longer - perfect for steaming and declogging pores. Bamboo is also naturally antibacterial, helping to purify your skin."

How comfortable does my skin feel? If my skin were a canvas for the products, it would be a bit like the following picture:

Dry, inflamed, uncomfortable, I would rate it at 2 on a scale of 1 to 10 (where 10 is picture perfect)
Activities/MoodRather unfortunate Juicer explosion left the kitchen splattered with beetroot, almost a scene from CSI
The start of Chelsea Flower Show (my heart is bursting with happiness).
Ingredient for the Day Bamboo - it really is the most versatile plant. I have just learnt (via lovely book entitled "The Drunken Botanist") that it can be used to make bamboo wine, in addition to its use for fencing, erosion control, tools and not to mention the most exquisitely soft cleansing cloths!
Picture for the Day

Bamboo - these are young shoots at Kew Gardens, on the start of their journey. I shall return in 30 days to see how they have fared.

Quote for the Day "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" Lao Tzu

Introduction - ABC of Skin Care

I have never been blessed with a picture perfect complexion, and whilst a natural skin care routine has transformed both my relationship with and the condition of my skin, it still remains my Achilles Heel. Whilst I dream of Walt Disney Princess radiance, at the first sign of stress it is more like “Snow White and the 101 Unsightly Bobbles” – cold sores, impetigo, whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, dry patches, red patches, uneven skin tone, enlarged pores, cysts – all of which seem more noticeable on my ultra fair skin tone.

In order to give Tropic products a fair trial, for the last 2 weeks I have reverted to my pre-Hauschka “routine”. This, coupled with a period of heavy stress, has meant my skin is currently in a particularly angry state – an ABC of “Acne, Boils, Cysts”.

Problem Areas

Not a moment too soon, my Tropic Products have arrived.
Their ABC consists of A - abolish make up & dirt with Organic Hot Bamboo Smoothing Cleanser, B – balance skin tone & pH with Vitamin Boost Tonic and C – care firm & nourish with Skin Revive Firming Nourishing Cream. I am hoping all of which will add up to A Beautiful Complexion!

Here are all the products (face and body) that I will be using and reviewing over the the next 30 days:

Smoothing Cleanser
Smoothing Cleanser
Bamboo cloth
Bamboo Cloth
Tropic Toner
Eye Refresh
Eye Refresh
Skin Revive
Skin Revive
Face Smooth
Face Smooth
Lip Love
Lip Love

Luxury Body Oil
Body Oil
Body Love
Body Love
Body Smooth
Body Smooth


Do you ever get overwhelmed by the vast array of marketing and products available on the shelves? I know that I did. As someone who has suffered from, what I will rather generously call, “problematic skin” aggravated by an obsessive compulsion to wash and use every product going, I had somehow become estranged from my own body. Instead of treating it with gentle love and respect, I was frantically assaulting it with a myriad of harsh scrums, masks and creams. Alas, every time I consulted a magazine or sought advise, I seemed to end up with further reason to do battle with my “petulant” skin; the list of faults steadily increasing – acne, wrinkles, dry patches, bags, puffiness, uneven tone, sun spots, scarring.

If I went for a facial, instead of leaving with the radiant, glowing skin I so desperately craved, I left with a large list of expensive potions and the feeling that I must do better. In a society that demands perfection, I had somehow failed to fit in.

One day, whilst waiting in the queue in Space NK (basket laden with the latest wonder products), I overheard a conversation between a sales assistant and someone seeking product advice:

You see I have been staying up really late, over indulging at office parties, smoking quite heavily, not removing my makeup and night-time and drinking very little water, what do you recommend?

Oh you definitely need Serum X it contains hyaluronic acid combined with a collagen peptide, it is amazing and will sort out all those problems so you don’t have to worry!

A little voice inside my head thought “That is complete snozwangle! You need to start respecting yourself lady. I then gazed down at my basket, which contained the same magic Serum X. Hmmmmmm.

Now whilst I don’t drink alcohol or smoke, it struck me that I was also neglecting my body, stupidly paying out for product after product, without investing in myself. Worse than this, did Magic Serum X display the Leaping Bunny logo?
leaping bunny
I generously pretended to myself this had been obscured by one of the chemical ingredients panels (*cough*). When exactly did I sell out and become this selfish person who is happy to turn a blind eye to animal testing (which sadly does cause actual blindness: Bright Eyes Burning with Fire)?

I returned the products to the shelves, put down my basket and left the store.
My journey into natural products, those made with love and respect for both consumer and the natural world, had begun.

I discovered the most amazing products in the Dr Hauschka range; and I truly believed this is where my own personal skin care journey ended. However, one more packaging logo, or rather the absence of a logo, had other ideas….
Vegan Flower
The Vegan logo (together with the Leaping Bunny) is what initially attracted me to Tropic Skin Care (ok, I admit, I had also watched the Apprentice, so was intrigued when Lord Sugar invested in Susan Ma after all). I attended the recent Hatfield launch to discover more about the company and its values. I was seriously impressed. I wanted to try the products for myself.... even the Face Smooth Polish. My distrust of any exfoliants is well documented (“Stop Scrubbing -Your skin is not the bathroom floor”), but I know sugar is considered incredibly healing for the skin (the product, not the person!), Susan is such a radiant advert for her own products and most importantly there is just something special about the company, that magic ingredient that money can’t buy – love.

Last year, for Dr Hauschka, I created a blog based on their 30 days to radiant you collection. It had struck me how lovely it was not just to simply review products, but to create an entire journal of my day to day experiences. To repeat this exercise for Tropic seemed an excellent way to understand their products, so without further ado, let the Tale of Tropic Bunny begin…..