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Saturday 13 July 2013


Whenever I hear mention of the brand Spudulike (admittedly not that frequently, it seems to have faded into obscurity) a memory of a Victoria Wood sketch stirs in the windmills of mind.  In said sketch she has a sudden pronunciation crisis:

‘Is that how you say it?  Maybe it’s spu-doo-licky!‘

It is for this reason that I often refer to potatoes as spudoolickies.  This year I have grown my own, which I started to harvest this week, and I was overjoyed to find the following joyous specimen amongst the crop:

The type of Spud I Like. James Wong may be able to "grow his own drugs" but I can grow my own potato ducks.  I shall add that to my list of X-Man powers ; )
I have such a grasshopper brain, leaping from one thought to another, I was reminded of another word where I falter over the correct pronunciation " Itadakimasu "  Bless you, did somebody sneeze? Well actually, it a Japanese expression, roughly translating as "I gratefully receive this".

Gratitude is one of the most powerful ingredients in any skin care routine.  So when you reach for your Smoothing Cleanser and heavenly soft bamboo cloth, breathe in the refreshing Eucalyptus scent and take a few moments to appreciate the natural ingredients, the love and care with which the products are made, and to say "thank you, thank you" (I tried to say Itadikimasu but nearly swallowed the bamboo cloth, hopefully one day someone will tell me how to say this properly!).

The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul.”
―   Audrey Hepburn.

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